Independent Non‑Executive Director (Appointed 6 June 2014)

Peter Turnbull is an experienced ASX independent non‑executive director and chair with significant exposure to the global mining, energy and technology sectors.

Peter brings to the board significant commercial, legal and governance experience gained from working with boards and management to build company value for shareholders both organically and through mergers, acquisitions and other corporate routes. Peter also has expertise in the commercialisation and scaling of new technologies.

In addition, Peter has significant regulatory and public policy experience from prior executive roles including as a Director of the Securities & Futures Commission of Hong Kong and roles with ASIC. Over time, Peter has held roles as a director or senior officer of several global organisations which promote best practice governance and is a regular contributor and speaker in Australia and overseas on corporate governance issues. Peter is a former President and current Life Member of the Governance Institute of Australia and is the Immediate Past President of the global Chartered Governance Institute.

Peter’s senior executive roles over 30 years involved significant experience in very large publicly listed organisations with global operations, particularly South East Asia, Europe and the USA. This experience included over a decade in energy markets and the resources sector including as Company Secretary of Newcrest Mining Limited, Company Secretary and General Counsel of BTR Nylex Limited and General Manager, Legal and Corporate Affairs with Energex Limited.

In June 2020, Peter was made a Member of the Order of Australia for services to business and corporate governance institutes.

Current directorships of other listed companies include: Chair, Calix Limited (ASX: CXL), since its ASX listing on 20 July 2018.

Chair of the People and Culture Committee.

Member of the Audit, Risk and Governance and the Sustainability and Operational Risk Committees. Mr Turnbull was last re‑elected to the Board on 24 November 2022.


Chairman of the People and Culture Committee

Member of Audit, Risk and Governance Committee